Who am I??

My photo
nearish to Seattle, WA, United States
I am quickly becoming aware just how fast these magical moments with ever-growing children can pass. I want something so a year from now I can look back and remember all the little things that made me smile today.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

more videos?!

Here are yet two more videos that I took today. Lately, more and more Holland just is so sweet and funny (sometimes more funny than sweet or vice versa!) and I like to grab the camcorder for those times!

In this one Holland was just eating lunch. I just found it really cute how she was swaying to the African music in the background...

This video shows Holland totally tormenting Modoc. She, as most of you all know, likes to feed Modoc. Today I bought a cheap bucket and she thought it was extra fun to put his food in the bucket and then run around the house laughing like crazy!

Sunday, April 27, 2008

A nice day at the park

2 posts in a day?! Woah!

Here are 2 short videos of Holland this morning at the park closest to our house. They are a little similar- mostly just her climbing the stairs and sliding... We probably will drive to another park later this afternoon, though I think that posting more than 4 videos in a day would just be overkill!

Silly antics

Thought I would share a video from yesterday as well as another one taken earlier this week... The one from yesterday unfortunately cut off short because the battery ran dead. But here is the background you didn't get- Holland was playing in the backyard and picked up a rock as she loves to do. She kept playing around and pretending to put it in her rock and sometimes actually putting it in her mouth. So, I threw it in the trash can inside. Then, she thought it would be funny to find other rocks, sticks or just dirt and run inside with them and throw them in the trash. You will also see that she is did not want me following her!!

This one needs no narrative- just Holland being Holland :)

Sunday, April 20, 2008

No fear

Here is a little video of Holland doing something she enjoys- She likes to stand up on her pony and then bounce back in the seat yelling "whee" (when she stands she says wooah) At least in this video she held on all the time, she also likes to stand without holding onto anything, but we are trying to get her to at least always hold on- it seems to be working most of the time :) She truly has no fear in almost anything! (which can be a scary thing for us!!)

Monday, April 14, 2008

New clothes- mostly same tricks

Here is a video taken this afternoon of Holland once again showing off body parts and more animal noises. I know, a lot of it is repeated, but I thought it was cute and so I thought I would share.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

3 videos from the last month

I finally got the problem fixed (okay, not me so much, but someone came and fixed it) and now I can share videos again! Here are three taken the last month:

Holland showing off some animal sounds with dad. This was nearly a month ago, she now knows many more, but it still gives you an idea...

Holland Easter egg hunting in the kitchen. This was taken a few days before Easter. Holland got the concept of finding eggs and putting them in her basket right away and had so much fun doing this over and over again!

Holland playing with a step stool. This is the sort of thing that Holland does all the time, she is so silly!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

18 months old today :)

Well, I have been wanting to post on here for the last few weeks. But, I hate doing repeat pictures since I send most of those out via email (if you don't get them and want to- just let me know!) and I really have been wanting to add amazing videos of Holland, but I just cannot figure out what is going on! Today I am calling the support staff again and if that does not work going to figure out how to have someone with a lot more know-how to fix my problem between the camcorder and the laptop. But, my apologies to anyone checking this to always find- no new posts!!

So, since I have no videos and most of you have seen all the pictures, I thought maybe you would like a list of words/phrases/sounds Holland is currently saying. Now, there is no way that I can make it inclusive of all she says, but this is the best I can do at this moment from memory:

thank you
all gone
Go? (I list this separately, because it is basically- where did it go?)
Here it is! (granted sounds like more like heeey iiihh)
I love you
sshhh (telling modoc to be quiet)
two (sometimes she also says one and three, but she loves the #2!)

animal sounds:
cow (moooooo)
horse (neigh neigh!)
lamb (BAAA!)
dog (ruhr ruhr)
kitty kat (meeew)
pig (the cutest snorting sound)
elephant (pushes air between her lips, very cute!)
duck (quaa-aah)
monkey (whispers hahahaha)
bee (ray, ray- don't know why, but this is what she says, and every time we chuckle!)
lion (raaahr)
snake (sssssss)

I know that there is so much that I am forgetting, but that at least gives you an idea... Holland will also mimic almost anything and she is starting to say her own name also- pronounced "haw-ee".

She also is starting to put words together- mama shoes, go bye bye, etc.

Sorry again for my lack of updates! Hopefully I can get the videos to share very soon!

(and a cute picture of Holland with a waste bucket on her head!)
