Who am I??

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nearish to Seattle, WA, United States
I am quickly becoming aware just how fast these magical moments with ever-growing children can pass. I want something so a year from now I can look back and remember all the little things that made me smile today.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

time flies with a toddler

I kick myself for not posting more, mainly because I know I will want to reread this in a year or so myself. Every day I swear that Holland gets more funny and witty, and dare I admit it- even cuter! I realize that I am the most biased person, but she is just the coolest two year old!

One of my favorite sayings that Holland has started saying is "All done, NOT!" It just cracks me up. We have complete conversations all the time and constantly I am amazed at what she knows and can comprehend. (everything!)

Here are two videos from a few weeks ago. My goal is to try to take a video of her today putting puzzles together. I was just amazed the other morning when I watched her put 2 puzzles with interlocking pieces that do not have outlines on the cardboard... I am horrible at puzzles, so it is exciting to see how great she is! Hopefully, those will come later today!

--and these videos are just Holland being a total goofball a few weeks. I admit, she had eated a bit of ice cream before these were taken and was obviously on some sort of sugar rush.