Who am I??

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nearish to Seattle, WA, United States
I am quickly becoming aware just how fast these magical moments with ever-growing children can pass. I want something so a year from now I can look back and remember all the little things that made me smile today.

Saturday, March 1, 2008


Here is a little video taken of Holland in our backyard this afternoon. There is an elevation change on one section in the grass and Holland loves to run down it saying "weee!" I really don't know where she picked this up. I guess that either Joe or I must have said it to begin with though neither of us really recall doing that.

You might notice that we got a new fence!!! It so nice to finally have a private backyard! Of course, now the back section of the fence looks horrible, but we plan to have that done also in the next month or so.


Anonymous said...

Your fence looks great! I'm SO jealous of your big backyard. Holland looks so cute running around outside! Sawyer has never ran around outside yet - too much snow!

Spence Ohana said...

She's so cute! Yay for the new fence!