Who am I??

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nearish to Seattle, WA, United States
I am quickly becoming aware just how fast these magical moments with ever-growing children can pass. I want something so a year from now I can look back and remember all the little things that made me smile today.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

And now January videos

Well, look at that- exactly a month since my last post. I guess that is better than waiting two months, right?

Here are 4 little videos I took of Holland the other day in the bath. She absolutely loves taking baths and can and will stay in there as long as I let her. We switch back and forth between her normal bath toys and her foam letters and numbers that are a big hit. I know that a lot of what she is saying in these are hard for anyone other than her mother to understand, but hopefully you get the gist of most of what she is saying...

I know that was a lot to share at one time... I liked at least a little something she did in all of them though.

Not a whole lot to share in other news. Holland seriously is getting funnier and more adorable daily. I tell Joe all the time that she is the most genuine person I know. Everyday she tells me the sweetest heart-felt things. From just the sweetest "thank you mama" for everything (never with prompting) to "I love you" or today she even said "bless you mommy" when I sneezed. She is pretty sweet. Generally Holland has been quite the mama's girl, but lately she is requesting that her dad do a lot with her. Yesterday in fact when she woke up (at about 6 am, so Joe was still here) I went in to get her/change her and she said "no mom- go away, I want dad". So, Joe came in and I asked her again if she wanted me or dad to change her diaper and she said "no mom- I want dad, go away" She did say it sweetly at least... This morning she was very sad as Joe left for work because she wanted him to stay and color and draw. Most evenings (including this very second!) Holland and Joe color and draw on her magnadoodle. It is pretty cute!

Oh, and we are finally getting closer on potty training! Holland had just not shown any interest at all, so we kept talking about it, but not pushing it. She had used the potty back in MAY, but nothing since then until last week. Now at least she uses it in the mornings. Usually once or twice. The excitement she shows after using it is so incredible! Hopefully not that long down the road we won't have to pay for diapers anymore!!

1 comment:

Irma said...

Wow, she has gotten so big! I love that she already knows her letters. I should try to find those letters for Gabriel too :-)

I hope everything is going well with you! I have a new blog now: http://dutchgirlintexas.blogspot.com