Who am I??

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nearish to Seattle, WA, United States
I am quickly becoming aware just how fast these magical moments with ever-growing children can pass. I want something so a year from now I can look back and remember all the little things that made me smile today.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

December videos

Here are 4 videos- 3 taken in the last 2 days and then one a few weeks ago. The first two are very blurry- but somewhat depict Holland sledding- but alone and with Joe:

And this one was taken yesterday morning. Holland was in just one of those super goofy moods where you just never know what she is going to do next!

And here is one taken on 12/8- the first real snow we had fall. It was really warm out and felt so nice to just run around in the litle bit of snowfall that was on the ground!

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