Who am I??

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nearish to Seattle, WA, United States
I am quickly becoming aware just how fast these magical moments with ever-growing children can pass. I want something so a year from now I can look back and remember all the little things that made me smile today.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

urgh- 2nd time here we go

So, I apologize; but apparently I will never be able to keep up with most blogger's timelines. I am however completely annoyed because I had what was probably my longest blog post ever, but silly me let my laptop overheat on my couch and it was all lost! Very frustrating!

Another frustration is that I have probably at least 10 videos that I have been waiting far too long to upload, but yesterday after uploading the first video my magicwonder camcorder broke :( It was only a small part that came off, and I am certain that it can be repaired after taking it to an electronic repair place nearby this week.

But, on to Holland, since I would imagine that is what most of you care about. She is amazing! Holland truly makes me laugh out loud everyday and amazes me more and more everyday. She is getting a lot better with counting. She now usually says, " one, two, six, eight". Often she will add "ten". She does like to repeat all of the numbers after me, but that is usually what you get when you ask her to count. She does also loves shapes. Holland's fave is probably the octagon, closely followed by the star!

What amazes me more than anything though is Holland's coordination skills. She truly is amazing!! Holland can easily keep up with very coordinated kids from our playgroups that are a year or more older than she is. She can climb anything! Most things are intended for kids much older than she is, and she just climbs and conquers things like there is no problem! I will have to take a video soon because words will simply not do what she does justice! It is so fun to be a proud mom and to constantly hear how amazing my child at something is though :)

Here is the one video that I currenly have to share. I am not sure why the picture is so off! It was taken approx. 3 weeks ago (eek! how time flies!)

And, for anyone that did not know- we just took a small trip to the mountains this week. It was just to a town (McCall) that is only a 2 hour drive from our home and a very beautiful location! Here are a few pictures that we took:










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