Who am I??

My photo
nearish to Seattle, WA, United States
I am quickly becoming aware just how fast these magical moments with ever-growing children can pass. I want something so a year from now I can look back and remember all the little things that made me smile today.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Catch up time

Well, last Tuesday Holland and I got back from visiting my parents, grandparents and some other extended family members. One might think that surely I would have had an update, at least a few pictures or a video to share before now. But, I have been known to procrastinate.

This first video is taken before we left, Holland in our backyard. Most days we spend at least a few hours outside, with the majority of her time spent going up and down our 3 porch steps and then just hanging out on the patio and her little picnic table.

This video is taken just a few minutes later. Holland is fascinated with the number TWO! She seems to show zero interest in pursuing her counting past the number two at this point however. Maybe next week :) Holland also displays some impressive jumping off the steps moves in this clip.

And this one was taken at my parents' house. Holland was dancing around and spinning and making herself dizzy. It makes me dizzy just watching it!!

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