Who am I??

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nearish to Seattle, WA, United States
I am quickly becoming aware just how fast these magical moments with ever-growing children can pass. I want something so a year from now I can look back and remember all the little things that made me smile today.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Video time!

Apparently, recently I only get on here to post recent videos of my silly girl. I guess I am not deviating from the norm again tonight. These were all taken about a week ago. I will try to take at least one more tomorrow. Holland is seriously getting funnier everyday! I am so blessed to actually be home with her almost all of the time now. It is so fulfilling getting to see all these little antics she does- I would never trade it for anything now!!

And, I doubt anyone really knows about how difficult sleeping has been for us lately, but... I am so excited!!! I found something that really works for both Holland and I and I am able to put her down at night and she is as happy as could be. I just lay down next to her bed and sing to her, the first night she protested for maybe a minute, the next night about 7 seconds and tonight, nothing! And, by protest, I mean grunting, she never even was upset :) Naps have been amazing also. I am so happy that we have finally found something that works for us!

Enjoy the videos!!

10 seconds of Holland spinning and dancing with her baby

2 silly minutes of Holland's life (same background music!)

(don't mind the laundry- I was in the middle of folding it, when I thought I should take this!)

Holland tired, but trying to find her 2nd wind...
Holland was obviously tired in this video (before how I figured out how to adequately put her down) but she still wanted to play!

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