I am quickly becoming aware just how fast these magical moments with ever-growing children can pass. I want something so a year from now I can look back and remember all the little things that made me smile today.
Recently, Holland has been picking up more and more words and phrases. She is so proud of herself when she adds a new word to her ever-growing vocabulary- so am I though! I have never sat down and written the words that she currently knows. I am sure that there are many other words and phrases that she says that we are not even aware of, but these are recognizable- (at least to Joe and I!)
Night-night Bye-bye thank you Uh-oh ball light more ruhr, ruhr (imitates the way Modoc barks, this is her "dog") cracker baby mama dada blue-blues (blueberries) water milk
She also will imitate "moo" and snorting for a pig if we do it first. I am sure I am forgetting a few other words and or phrases, but I will try to add them if I think of them later!
And, what is a post without at least one new picture???
So, now not only will I be home with Holland for 5 full days a week- but now on Thursdays and Saturdays as well! I was actually "laid off" this past Thursday. As it turns out, I was already looking into other part-time options. It is a blessing, although still a bit shocking! But, at least I have a few months or so to figure something else out!
Not a whole lot else transpired this week. Here are pictures of Holland (and Joe and Modoc) at a park we went to yesterday. (not our usual neighborhood park- Holland had never played here before..)
(and I apologize- these pictures are now not of the infamous "yesterday". I had complete intent to publish this blog on Sunday, but alas, it is now Wednedsday night and it has yet to be published. I think that means, I better do something else tomorrow!!!)
We have had far too much snow and extreme winter weather lately- which means we have been indoors way more than we would like. We are accustomed to going on a long walk at least both Saturday and Sunday, but for several weeks that has been out of the question with the icy roads and sidewalks. BUT, today the sun came out; it warmed up to around FIFTY DEGREES and was just an all- around nice day. As soon as I came home from work, we went on our favorite walk to the park nearby.
Even though it was so nice out, there was still a lot of snow at the playground. Holland still walked very well around it all though. She also now is focused on walking up and down stairs. She is able to go down the stairs without sitting down first- just walking down like you or I might. It is rather impressive. She is always learning new things though!!!
Apparently, recently I only get on here to post recent videos of my silly girl. I guess I am not deviating from the norm again tonight. These were all taken about a week ago. I will try to take at least one more tomorrow. Holland is seriously getting funnier everyday! I am so blessed to actually be home with her almost all of the time now. It is so fulfilling getting to see all these little antics she does- I would never trade it for anything now!!
And, I doubt anyone really knows about how difficult sleeping has been for us lately, but... I am so excited!!! I found something that really works for both Holland and I and I am able to put her down at night and she is as happy as could be. I just lay down next to her bed and sing to her, the first night she protested for maybe a minute, the next night about 7 seconds and tonight, nothing! And, by protest, I mean grunting, she never even was upset :) Naps have been amazing also. I am so happy that we have finally found something that works for us!
Enjoy the videos!!
10 seconds of Holland spinning and dancing with her baby
2 silly minutes of Holland's life (same background music!)
(don't mind the laundry- I was in the middle of folding it, when I thought I should take this!)
Holland tired, but trying to find her 2nd wind... Holland was obviously tired in this video (before how I figured out how to adequately put her down) but she still wanted to play!