It is difficult to imagine what everything would be like through the eyes of a fourteen month old. Sometimes I am just amazed at the little things that are perceived as so amazing to Holland. It really is such a wonderful thing to experience.
For instance, tonight. Holland was taking a bath and just mesmerized with the water coming out of the faucet. She obviously loved the way that her hands felt while she attempted to clap under the running water or just holding her hands there and letting the water fall off her hands. It makes you think- that does feel good! And she is just now realizing that, for the first time in her life. How cool is that?!
Holland also has recently discovered how much fun it is for her to walk around the house in my clogs. She has such an amazing balance, I can't believe it. I love the way she squeals with excitement after placing both shoes next to each other in the same direction so she can easily place her feet inside them. She is learning so much all the time and putting pieces together in her little head. I am so lucky to be her mama!
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