At the risk of ruining a good thing, I have yet another "nostalgic" video to share. I just love it so! I promise not to use this style for at least another week. Haha.
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Saturday, December 29, 2007
I'm on a roll! Another video...
Now that I have my amazing little flip video camcorder I will most likely be uploading many more videos. It is just so handy! Too bad I am such a bad video taker- maybe I will get better with practice!
This is just a little video of Holland this morning. She had been walking around in Joe's shoes when I grabbed the video, but then of course stopped right away. My favorite part of the video is when she changed the radio station on the tv to a blues song. I guess my baby likes blues?!
This is just a little video of Holland this morning. She had been walking around in Joe's shoes when I grabbed the video, but then of course stopped right away. My favorite part of the video is when she changed the radio station on the tv to a blues song. I guess my baby likes blues?!
Friday, December 28, 2007
It's a winter wonderland outside!!!
Last night, we had a significant amount of snowfall and now it is completely white outside!! Holland and I (and Modoc, of course!) all went out today to enjoy it. It is a nice day and it was barely still snowing when we went out. (I thought it would never stop!) Holland thought that it was pretty cool. Granted, she saw the little snow we had a few weeks ago, but that really was little more than a dusting on the ground. This time it crunches when you walk and has taken over everything. I love it! Holland got a little frustrated a few times when she fell down and had a hard time getting back up. But, once I stood her up again, she was off trying to run and play in it. She wasn't thrilled about having to wear mittens, but kept them on. She looked so cute in her little snow pants trekking around.
I would have liked to have made a little snowman, but anytime I tried to start, Modoc would attack the snow pile that I made, pounce at it and then eat it. Maybe after Joe gets home we can all make one in the front yard. (well, everyone but Modoc that is!)

I would have liked to have made a little snowman, but anytime I tried to start, Modoc would attack the snow pile that I made, pounce at it and then eat it. Maybe after Joe gets home we can all make one in the front yard. (well, everyone but Modoc that is!)
Christmas has left the building.... well, almost
So, as expected, I did not post again before Christmas. We had a very nice visit in Seattle. It was nice to be around family during the holidays. Here are a few pictures taken during our trip.
I think this is a very sweet picture- Holland watching The Nutcracker Suite with her Gram

Opening a present

Enjoying being the center of attention!

Now I suppose that we will soon have to take down our little Christmas tree. I imagine that we will put that off until around New Year's. Sad how depressing it is to admit that Christmas is officially over.
I think this is a very sweet picture- Holland watching The Nutcracker Suite with her Gram
Opening a present
Enjoying being the center of attention!
Now I suppose that we will soon have to take down our little Christmas tree. I imagine that we will put that off until around New Year's. Sad how depressing it is to admit that Christmas is officially over.
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Time is running short!
This might be the last post I make before Christmas... On Saturday we leave to go to Seattle to visit Holland's grandparents and Joe's family. We of course are looking forward to it, but I am feeling like we still have a million things to do! (which is pretty standard for me prior to leaving for any trip!, but especially this time of year...)
I am sure that we will take many pictures to share. Holland gets excited over the silliest things, but it is always entertaining. Unfortunately, no pictures were taken tonight as she went to sleep as soon as I got home from work. I can't wait until my schedule changes and we don't have to do this anymore. I feel like I am missing too much of my little girl's life!
On a lighter note, I just realized this weekend that Holland has no problem with me fixing her hair as long as I sit her in the sink and let her brush her teeth. (the girl loves to brush her teeth!) So, for the first time in her life, she has had little pony tails a few days this week. It is so adorable!
Well, Merry Christmas to all! Sorry for my random thoughts right now. That is just how my brain is currently working...

I am sure that we will take many pictures to share. Holland gets excited over the silliest things, but it is always entertaining. Unfortunately, no pictures were taken tonight as she went to sleep as soon as I got home from work. I can't wait until my schedule changes and we don't have to do this anymore. I feel like I am missing too much of my little girl's life!
On a lighter note, I just realized this weekend that Holland has no problem with me fixing her hair as long as I sit her in the sink and let her brush her teeth. (the girl loves to brush her teeth!) So, for the first time in her life, she has had little pony tails a few days this week. It is so adorable!
Well, Merry Christmas to all! Sorry for my random thoughts right now. That is just how my brain is currently working...
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...
I can't believe how fast this season has creeped up on us! Christmas will be here a week from today. I am a little excited about Holland's first "real" Christmas. Last year, being only 2 months old, she obviously did not have any understanding of anything going on. Granted, she is still very young, but she amazes me at how much she does grasp.
Holland has not shown much interest in the presents under the tree, except for occasionally picking up the biggest present, moving it, then trying to step and sit on it. She has a fascination with trying to stand on anything new right now. Silly girl!
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Little things that can be such very big things
It is difficult to imagine what everything would be like through the eyes of a fourteen month old. Sometimes I am just amazed at the little things that are perceived as so amazing to Holland. It really is such a wonderful thing to experience.
For instance, tonight. Holland was taking a bath and just mesmerized with the water coming out of the faucet. She obviously loved the way that her hands felt while she attempted to clap under the running water or just holding her hands there and letting the water fall off her hands. It makes you think- that does feel good! And she is just now realizing that, for the first time in her life. How cool is that?!
Holland also has recently discovered how much fun it is for her to walk around the house in my clogs. She has such an amazing balance, I can't believe it. I love the way she squeals with excitement after placing both shoes next to each other in the same direction so she can easily place her feet inside them. She is learning so much all the time and putting pieces together in her little head. I am so lucky to be her mama!
Saturday, December 8, 2007
Another week- eek!

Apparently, my blogging skills will not be winning any awards anytime soon. Somehow the weeks just go by entirely too fast. I am hoping that things are a little more calm and that we have more time to stop and smell the roses once I am only working on Thursdays and Saturdays. Only a month away! And I only have 2 regular work weeks left. Woo hoo!
Holland, of course, is changing more and more. I am so amazed how well she has done with our Christmas tree! She has not even attempted to grab any ornaments or anything. She loves looking at the lights though and gets excited when we turn them on.
She got to play in the snow a little today for the first time. We did not have a ton of snow, but enough to substantially cover the backyard (until it started raining later in the afternoon anyway...) I wish I had more pictures documenting that, but my only word of advice is when you buy batteries for $1, don't expect to be able to take more than 3 pictures :(
Well, let me dig and see if I can find any halfway decent pictures to add here. Sorry for my disappointing posts!
Saturday, December 1, 2007
Saturday, November 24, 2007
New tricks
Here are a few of Holland's newest "tricks" that she has recently mastered (or at least trying to anyway...):
Eating with a spoon
Walking Modoc around the house
Riding her pony like a bucking bronco

Going "nigh-night" anywhere, even on her changing table!
And... trying on mama's glasses!
(there are a lot of other little things that she comes up with daily, I'll try to think of at least a few everyweek)
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
another week (or more!) and more changes!
Goodness, I suppose I could do a better job keeping this updated! I guess that life just flies by far too quickly....
Well, much has happened in the last 10 days. Holland's Granny (my mom) came for a visit. I think that they both had a lot of fun spending time together. It is too bad that we live way in the middle of nowhere and get so infrequent visits from family!
We had a little scare- we were worried that Holland might have gotten lead poisoning. A week ago on Sunday Holland decided that she would try to eat the window sill while watching Modoc play outside. So, we had to had a lead test (since our house is so old!), which luckily came back negative. But, since hospitals are a breeding ground for viruses, Holland unfortunately caught a cold while we were there for the testing. She is getting better, but still has the runny nose and bad cough at night. We are doing all the homeopathic remedies we know of and think that the end is near!
It is amazing how quickly she is learning new things and changing daily! She now often signs for "more" (we should have been more pro-active in teaching her so many more signs!) and just obviously understands so much more. I can ask her to go grab anything and she will bring it back proudly. It is so entertaining to watch her decide what she wants. She will go over to her little pony and grab it and try to move it and look up at me telling me, "hey mom- I think I want to ride this"..., or she will pick up her little piano and walk over to a spot that looks nice and sit down and play it. She really is just so amazing! I know that everyone says how exciting having a baby/toddler is, but now we are actually understanding it. (and also starting to understand the sleep deprivation thing, but that is another post entirely!!)
Saturday, November 10, 2007
My silly block-handed baby!

So, yesterday Holland realized how she can scrunch her fingers into a fist and fit them into the circles and triangles that are in the middle of her foam blocks... She has found comfort having her hands in blocks over the last few days. It is the cutest thing! She does everything with her hands in blocks now- eat, push her wagon, read books, play with a ball- you get the picture! So, of course I need to post pictures because how can you ever picture in your head a block-handed baby without the real thing?! I wonder how long this fascination will last?! I am afraid I am going to get some strange looks at the grocery store- but she does NOT want you to take them off!!
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Bathtime fun!

Lately, Holland just LOVES taking a bath. I think that she would stay in there for hours if we would let her, but I am too afraid! That girl is just wild in the tub! She loves to stand up and then splash as hard as she can as she slams herself into a sitting position. We have lots of bath toys, but her favorites are usually just the cup we use to pour water on her and a washcloth. Go figure!! And what would a little post be without at least a few pictures??!
Monday, November 5, 2007
A fun day at the park...
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Older stuff...
- If a picture says a thousand words, how many words...
- I'm on a roll! Another video...
- a silly little snow video
- It's a winter wonderland outside!!!
- Christmas has left the building.... well, almost
- Time is running short!
- It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...
- Little things that can be such very big things
- Another week- eek!
- Just another week...