Goodness, I suppose I could do a better job keeping this updated! I guess that life just flies by far too quickly....
Well, much has happened in the last 10 days. Holland's Granny (my mom) came for a visit. I think that they both had a lot of fun spending time together. It is too bad that we live way in the middle of nowhere and get so infrequent visits from family!
We had a little scare- we were worried that Holland might have gotten lead poisoning. A week ago on Sunday Holland decided that she would try to eat the window sill while watching Modoc play outside. So, we had to had a lead test (since our house is so old!), which luckily came back negative. But, since hospitals are a breeding ground for viruses, Holland unfortunately caught a cold while we were there for the testing. She is getting better, but still has the runny nose and bad cough at night. We are doing all the homeopathic remedies we know of and think that the end is near!
It is amazing how quickly she is learning new things and changing daily! She now often signs for "more" (we should have been more pro-active in teaching her so many more signs!) and just obviously understands so much more. I can ask her to go grab anything and she will bring it back proudly. It is so entertaining to watch her decide what she wants. She will go over to her little pony and grab it and try to move it and look up at me telling me, "hey mom- I think I want to ride this"..., or she will pick up her little piano and walk over to a spot that looks nice and sit down and play it. She really is just so amazing! I know that everyone says how exciting having a baby/toddler is, but now we are actually understanding it. (and also starting to understand the sleep deprivation thing, but that is another post entirely!!)